Archive for blacklist

Fixing Online Advertising and News: A Matter of Life and Death

Fixing Online Advertising and News: A Matter of Life and Death

This post appears on Medium - click here to read the full article. Below is a short excerpt. As the COVID-19 pandemic reshapes life in ... Read More
COVID-19 Drives Traffic to News Sites, But Will Publishers Benefit?

COVID-19 Drives Traffic to News Sites, But Will Publishers Benefit?

Since early March, many people have been living largely isolated lives as the novel coronavirus has spread around the world. Their one guaranteed source of ... Read More
Statement: Ad Tech Companies: Stop Journalism-Harming Keyword Blocking Practices

Statement: Ad Tech Companies: Stop Journalism-Harming Keyword Blocking Practices

The News Media Alliance and Digital Content Next call on digital advertisers and digital advertising companies to stop using keyword blocking practices that jeopardize the ... Read More
News Media Offer Brand Safe Alternative for Advertisers to Ad Tech

News Media Offer Brand Safe Alternative for Advertisers to Ad Tech

With the rise of digital and programmatic ad buying, brand safety risks have increased, as has advertiser awareness of ad placement ... Read More
A Return to Contextual Advertising?

A Return to Contextual Advertising?

With the onset of digital media and subsequent migration to digital marketing, concerns regarding personal data privacy have spurred new protective regulations for consumers. As ... Read More

News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services - Read more