Don’t Let Big Tech Cancel Local News.
Local news organizations are under pressure. Local news strengthens our community, but local papers across the country are under threat. Big Tech takes advantage of the news and information created by local publishers, but they won’t pay for it.
The Journalism Competition & Preservation Act (JCPA) is a bipartisan bill that allows local news companies to negotiate with Big Tech to ensure they are treated fairly and compensated justly. If Congress doesn’t pass the JCPA, communities across America will continue to lose quality local, fact-based news coverage.
Contact your member of Congress to support the JCPA and ensure Big Tech doesn’t cancel local news: 202.224.3121
Download Ads here:
Full-page (11.55″ x 21″)
Quarter-page (5.7″ x 10.5″)
Full-page (11.55″ x 21″) – via Dropbox
Quarter-page (5.7″ x 10.5″) – via Dropbox
Other print sizes:
10 x 20″ – via Dropbox
10 x 10″ – via Dropbox
10 x 21″ – via Dropbox
To download the ads, click on the image of the ad or the “Download ad” link, then right click and select Save Image As to save the ads to your computer. Link the ads here:
Digital Cube (300 x 250 px)
Download ad
Digital banner (970 x 250 px)
Download ad
Digital banner (728 x 90 px)
Download ad
See the impact in our Grassroots Support for the JCPA infographic.
Ads: Support the California Journalism Preservation Act (CJPA)
Below are video and digital ads to run to show support for the California Journalism Preservation Act.
Video Ad:
The News/Media Alliance has created a 30-second video ad calling on Californians to contact their state Senators to support the California Journalism Preservation Act (CJPA, AB 886), which would require Big Tech platforms such as Meta and Google to provide fair compensation to news publishers for use of their content online.
Download and run the ad during the month of August 2024.
Click here to download the CJPA video ad.
Digital Ads:
Download and run the digital ads calling for support for the California Journalism Preservation Act. Link the ads to Sizes available include 200 x 250px, 300 x 600px, and 970 x 250px.
Download and run the ads during the month of August 2024.
Right-click on an image and select “Save image as…” and save the file to your desktop.
About the California Journalism Preservation Act
The California Journalism Preservation Act (CJPA, AB886), which was introduced by Assemblymember Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland) in March 2023 and passed out of the California Senate Judiciary Committee in June 2024 with a vote of 9-2, would require Big Tech platforms to pay news publishers and broadcasters for their use of journalism. Currently, creators of journalistic and creative content are not adequately compensated by the platforms for the use of their work that takes a tremendous investment to produce.
The CJPA would promote the hiring of more journalists, requiring news publishers to invest 70 percent of the payments received under the legislation into journalism jobs.
Prior to the vote in June, the bill had been amended to allocate payouts to publishers based on the number of journalists employed, rather than impressions presented to Californians. This mimics the Canadian Online News Act, which has been successful in requiring Google to compensate publishers. In addition, the bill was amended to steer funds to California, and to provide additional flexibility for ethnic media and other small publishers.
Additional JCPA Ads
The following ads from the News/Media Alliance are provided for members and newspapers to run in their print and online publications. We have provided a digital video ad, as well as print and static digital ads in various sizes.
Jump to:
Digital Video Ad
Print Ads
Digital Ads
Overview of the JCPA – Journalism Competition & Preservation Act
Digital Video Ad
Run our digital video ad encouraging the public to tell their members of Congress to support the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA).
Click on the link/image below to download the 30-second video ad file (MP4) via Dropbox. Note: As it is a large file, this video may take several minutes to download.
A link to download the 15-second pre-roll version is also available below the screen shot.
Link ad to:
Download video ad (via Dropbox)
Download 15-second pre-roll ad (via Dropbox)
Print Ads
We have provided PDF and EPS files of the full-color print ad (full- , half- and quarter-page sizes) and the JPEGs for the digital cube and banner ads.
The print ad can be customized to include your local Congress member’s contact information.
Ad #1: Your Community Could Lose Local News

Full-page (11.55 x 21″):
Full-page PDF
Full-page EPS (via Dropbox)
Quarter-page (5.7 x 10.5″):
Quarter-page PDF (via Dropbox)
Quarter-page EPS (via Dropbox)
Other sizes (PDF):
10 x 20″ (Color)
10 x 20″ (BW)
10 x 10″ (Color)
10 x 10″ (BW)
Ad #2: Don’t Let Big Tech Cancel Your Local News

Full-page (11.55 x 21″):
Full-page PDF
Full-page EPS (via Dropbox)
Black and white:
Full-page PDF
Full-page EPS (via Dropbox)
Quarter-page (5.7 x 10.5″):
Quarter-page PDF
Quarter-page EPS (via Dropbox)
Black and white:
Quarter-page PDF
Quarter-page EPS (via Dropbox)
Other sizes (PDF):
10 x 10″ (Color)
10 x 10″ (BW)
10 x 20″ (Color)
10 x 20″ (BW)
10 x 21″ (Color)
10 x 21″ (BW)
Digital Ads
Click on the link/image below and then right-click and select Save Image As to download the digital ads.
Ad #1: Your Community Could Lose Local News.
Link to
Digital banner (970×250)
Digital cube (300×250)
Ad #2: Big Tech is a threat to local journalism.
Link to
Digital cube – (300×250)
Ad #3: Don’t Let Big Tech Cancel Your Local News Coverage
Link to
Digital GIF (320x480px)
Click here to download MP4 (click on the three dots in the lower right corner of the video and select Download)
Overview of the JCPA – Journalism Competition & Preservation Act
The free and diverse press—particularly local press—is the backbone of a healthy and vibrant democracy. But the control of access to trustworthy news online has become centralized by just two platforms. The Pew Research Center reported in 2017 that the majority of Americans access news through only two platforms—Facebook and Google—noting that “Facebook outstrips all other social media sites as a source of news.” Recent market reports also indicate that these same companies control the vast majority of online referrals for news and the bulk of digital advertising revenue, while revenue for news publishers has plummeted by $31 billion since 2006.
The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) creates a temporary safe harbor for news publishers to band together to negotiate with online platforms to improve and protect Americans’ access to quality, trustworthy sources of news online.

Members of the News/Media Alliance staff have contributed to this post.