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News/Media Alliance Commends G7's Hiroshima AI Process, Calls for Strong Copyright Protections

News/Media Alliance Commends G7’s Hiroshima AI Process, Calls for Strong Copyright Protections

On October 16, News/Media Alliance sent a letter together with Digital Content Next and the European Publishers Council to the G7 member states and the ... Read More
Statement: Ad Tech Companies: Stop Journalism-Harming Keyword Blocking Practices

Statement: Ad Tech Companies: Stop Journalism-Harming Keyword Blocking Practices

The News Media Alliance and Digital Content Next call on digital advertisers and digital advertising companies to stop using keyword blocking practices that jeopardize the ... Read More
Highlights from DCN's "Trust as a Proxy for Brand Value" Report

Highlights from DCN's "Trust as a Proxy for Brand Value" Report

Our friends at Digital Content Next (DCN) recently released a study about how consumer trust in the news they consume impacts information consumption ... Read More

News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services - Read more