Archive for 5 Answers

McClatchy Papers Launch Sports Subscription Services

McClatchy Papers Launch Sports Subscription Services

We caught up with Jeff Rosen, Assistant Managing Editor/Sports, to talk about Sports Pass in this edition of Alliance 5 Answers ... Read More
5 Answers with Imani Jenkins, Communications Intern

5 Answers with Imani Jenkins, Communications Intern

Imani Jenkins joins the News Media Alliance staff this summer as the communications intern. She is a rising senior at Marist College located in Poughkeepsie, ... Read More
5 Answers with Rising Star Haowei Qin, Data Scientist, USA TODAY Network

5 Answers with Rising Star Haowei Qin, Data Scientist, USA TODAY Network

Since he joined USA TODAY Network in 2016, Haowei Qin has fueled growth by changing how the company views and leverages data from a strategic ... Read More
5 Answers with Margot Harris, Public Policy Intern

5 Answers with Margot Harris, Public Policy Intern

Margot Harris joins the News Media Alliance staff this summer as the public policy intern. She is working on her MFA in Creative Nonfiction and ... Read More
Rising Star: Adam Bolander

Rising Star: Adam Bolander

Adam Bolander formed his career vision during his first year of college: he sat down with a pen and paper and wrote down one thing ... Read More
5 Answers with Ashley Alexander

5 Answers with Ashley Alexander

Ashley Alexander is a rising senior at Elon University. This summer she joins the Alliance communications team as an intern ... Read More
5 Answers with Mitch Joel

5 Answers with Mitch Joel

Meet mediaXchange speaker Mitch Joel, media hacker and digital marketing rock star ... Read More
5 Answers with Jonathan Perelman

5 Answers with Jonathan Perelman

In preparation for mediaXchange 2017, we sat down with Jonathan Perelman to discuss his future of news ... Read More
New York Times Connects with its Readers in California

New York Times Connects with its Readers in California

On the opposite side of the country, three time zones away, is the second largest population of New York Times readers. The Times wanted a ... Read More
5 Answers with John Murray, News Media Alliance

5 Answers with John Murray, News Media Alliance

1. What drew you to news media? It was 35 years ago and I was in search of a career when the phone rang. The ... Read More