Archive for elizabeth warren

Statement: Senators Raise Antitrust Concerns with DOJ, FTC Around New Features of Generative Artificial Intelligence

Statement: Senators Raise Antitrust Concerns with DOJ, FTC Around New Features of Generative Artificial Intelligence

The News/Media Alliance applauds several U.S. Senators for sending a letter to the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission that raises antitrust concerns ... Read More
Economic Liberties Event: Anti-Monopoly Summit 2024

Economic Liberties Event: Anti-Monopoly Summit 2024

The News/Media Alliance is happy to be partnering with Economic Liberties on the Anti-Monopoly Summit. This Summit will bring together the growing anti-monopoly movement fighting against ... Read More
OPI Event: “Renewing the Democratic Republic”

OPI Event: “Renewing the Democratic Republic”

Join the Open Markets Institute, News/Media Alliance, and other co-hosts for a keynote speech from U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren on how far our antimonopoly movement ... Read More
Senator Warren Calls for Breaking Up Big Tech

Senator Warren Calls for Breaking Up Big Tech

On March 8, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) proposed breaking up the dominant tech companies — Amazon, Google, and Facebook, adding Apple to the list the ... Read More