OPI Event: “Renewing the Democratic Republic”

Photo credti: tomwachs / e+ via Getty Images

When: Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 9:30 a.m. EST – this event has passed

Where: Marriott Marquis, Washington, DC

Join the Open Markets Institute, News/Media Alliance, and other co-hosts for a keynote speech from U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren on how far our antimonopoly movement has come and the fights that lay ahead to rebuild our democracy.


Warren’s pivotal 2016 speech on antimonopoly at another Open Markets event helped spur policymakers into action. Because of her work and the work of our broader movement, more recognize that workers’ rights, racial justice, climate change, freedom of media and journalism, digital platforms and privacy abuses, artistic liberty, industrial policy, economic resiliency and supply chain issues, peace and security, and our very democracy, are all set back by an extreme concentration of corporate power. And all can be tremendously improved by reining in corporate monopolies.

Hosted by the Open Markets Institute, Senator Warren’s remarks are part of an important, day-long conference that will explore the power of antimonopoly principles to renew American democracy, strengthen our economy, & construct a more peaceful & sustainable world.

Other featured speakers include:

  • Jonathan Kanter, Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice, who recently brought a critically important suit against Google’s monopolization of digital advertising;
  • Ayad Akhtar, Pulitzer Prize winning playwright and the president of PEN America, whose book “Homeland Elegies” describes how monopolists bulldozed American society;
  • Sara Nelson, International President of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO, who takes on the airline monopolies daily on behalf of her union’s 50K members;
  • and many more

Organizations supporting the event include Color of Change, the Financial Times, Public Citizen, as well as Americans for Financial Reform, Accountable Tech, Demand Progress, Economic Security Project, Fight Corporate Monopolies and the American Economic and Civil Liberties Project, Free Press, Future of Music Coalition, Groundwork Collaborative, News/Media Alliance, Public Knowledge, and the Revolving Door Project. 

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