Archive for transparency

News/Media Alliance Joins Letter Calling on Administration to Recognize Journalist Alsu Kurmasheva as Wrongfully Detained

News/Media Alliance Joins Letter Calling on Administration to Recognize Journalist Alsu Kurmasheva as Wrongfully Detained

On June 26, News/Media Alliance joined a letter addressed to President Joseph R. Biden asking for journalist Alsu Kurmasheva to be declared as wrongfully detained ... Read More
Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds Senators Schumer, Heinrich, Rounds and Young for Recognizing Importance of Journalism in AI Forums, New Report

Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds Senators Schumer, Heinrich, Rounds and Young for Recognizing Importance of Journalism in AI Forums, New Report

The News/Media Alliance applauds Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senators Heinrich, Rounds and Young for soliciting a diverse set of views related to Artificial ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Joins 30 Groups on Letter in Support of Strengthening New York’s Freedom of Information Law

News/Media Alliance Joins 30 Groups on Letter in Support of Strengthening New York’s Freedom of Information Law

As part of Sunshine week, on March 11, 2024, the Alliance joined a letter with a coalition of groups urging the New York legislature and ... Read More
Alliance Joins Brief Supporting NPR’s Request for Access to Prison Execution Tapes

Alliance Joins Brief Supporting NPR’s Request for Access to Prison Execution Tapes

On February 1, 2024, the Alliance joined a brief in National Public Radio (“NPR”) v. Virginia Department of Corrections (“Va. Doc”), filed in the Virginia ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Commends G7's Hiroshima AI Process, Calls for Strong Copyright Protections

News/Media Alliance Commends G7’s Hiroshima AI Process, Calls for Strong Copyright Protections

On October 16, News/Media Alliance sent a letter together with Digital Content Next and the European Publishers Council to the G7 member states and the ... Read More
Alliance Joins Letter Urging Supreme Court to Make Access to Live Audio Feed Permanent

Alliance Joins Letter Urging Supreme Court to Make Access to Live Audio Feed Permanent

On September 13, the Alliance joined 62 other media organizations on a letter urging the Supreme Court to make permanent its practice of providing the ... Read More
Alliance Joins Brief Advocating for Access to Historical Police Internal Affairs Records

Alliance Joins Brief Advocating for Access to Historical Police Internal Affairs Records

On April 27, the Alliance joined a brief, filed in the Superior Court of New Jersey Appellate Division, concerning access to police internal affairs records ... Read More
Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds Introduction of Competition and Transparency Digital Advertising Act

Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds Introduction of Competition and Transparency Digital Advertising Act

The News Media Alliance applauds the introduction of the “Competition and Transparency Digital Advertising Act,” by Senators Mike Lee (R-Utah), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Ted Cruz ... Read More
Multiple Groups Ask Supreme Court to Continue Oral Argument Livestream

Multiple Groups Ask Supreme Court to Continue Oral Argument Livestream

On March 15, members of the U.S. Supreme Court Bar sent a letter to Chief Justice Roberts asking to make the livestream of oral arguments ... Read More
Alliance Calls on Google, Facebook: Take Responsibility for Political Ads

Alliance Calls on Google, Facebook: Take Responsibility for Political Ads

At a House Information Technology Subcommittee Hearing today, News Media Alliance President and CEO David Chavern called upon online content distribution platforms – specifically Google ... Read More

News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services - Read more