Archive for platform

Twitter, Inc. v. Taamneh

Twitter, Inc. v. Taamneh

The Supreme Court protects media platforms against accusations of“aiding and abetting” terrorist attacks. The Court ruled that platforms are not responsible for their failure to ... Read More
Facebook Whistleblower, Former Facebook Data Scientist Support Section 230 Reform

Facebook Whistleblower, Former Facebook Data Scientist Support Section 230 Reform

Reacting to yesterday’s congressional hearing and testimony by Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen, former Facebook data scientist Roddy Lindsay agrees with Haugen’s proposed solution to address ... Read More
Media Associations Urge Value for Journalism in Digital Ecosystem

Media Associations Urge Value for Journalism in Digital Ecosystem

The News Media Alliance is one of 17 international and national news media associations to sign a joint letter published today calling for countries to ... Read More
Statement: Small News Publishers Get Deal in Australia

Statement: Small News Publishers Get Deal in Australia

After a month of negotiating collectively under authorization from the ACCC, with the looming threat of forced arbitration, Australian news organization Country Press Australia (CPA), ... Read More
Google’s Settlement with the French Authorities Offers a Glimpse of Hope for News Publishers

Google’s Settlement with the French Authorities Offers a Glimpse of Hope for News Publishers

In early June, the French competition authority, Autorité de la concurrence, announced that Google had reached an agreement with the authority to settle an antitrust ... Read More
FTC’s Google Memos Underline the Need for Legislation to Balance the Online Marketplace

FTC’s Google Memos Underline the Need for Legislation to Balance the Online Marketplace

In mid-March, Politico published a powerful piece of investigative reporting titled “How Washington fumbled the future,” detailing the Federal Trade Commission’s 2012 investigation into Google’s ... Read More
Statement: Australia Passes News Media Bargaining Code, Platforms Must Pay for News

Statement: Australia Passes News Media Bargaining Code, Platforms Must Pay for News

Today, the Australian Parliament voted to pass the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission news media bargaining code, which requires the dominant tech platforms to, among ... Read More
Statement: Facebook to Restrict Sharing of News in Australia

Statement: Facebook to Restrict Sharing of News in Australia

Facebook has announced it will limit sharing and viewing of news by publishers and users in Australia on its platform, in response to the proposed ... Read More
Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds Australian News Media Bargaining Code Report Requiring Big Tech to Pay for News

Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds Australian News Media Bargaining Code Report Requiring Big Tech to Pay for News

The News Media Alliance commends the release today of the Australian Parliament’s Economics Legislation Committee Report on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) News ... Read More
Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds Microsoft for Support of Australia Bargaining Code

Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds Microsoft for Support of Australia Bargaining Code

Microsoft President Brad Smith today outlined Microsoft’s support for the proposed bargaining code in Australia that would, among other things, require dominant tech platforms to ... Read More

News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services - Read more