Archive for free press

News Take: Free Press Focus: How Do We Ensure Protections for the Press After Shocking Police Raid?

News Take: Free Press Focus: How Do We Ensure Protections for the Press After Shocking Police Raid?

In this episode of News Take: Free Press Focus, Eric Meyer, Publisher of the Marion County Record, shares the story of the day police raided ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Joins Letter Calling on Administration to Recognize Journalist Alsu Kurmasheva as Wrongfully Detained

News/Media Alliance Joins Letter Calling on Administration to Recognize Journalist Alsu Kurmasheva as Wrongfully Detained

On June 26, News/Media Alliance joined a letter addressed to President Joseph R. Biden asking for journalist Alsu Kurmasheva to be declared as wrongfully detained ... Read More
Support Journalism Fly-In 2024

Support Journalism Fly-In 2024

September 10-11, 2024 - Make your voice heard! Join your peers in Washington, D.C. to reinforce the need for legislation compensating news publishers for our ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Joins Comments in Response to Proposed Amendments to New York City Press Credential Rules

News/Media Alliance Joins Comments in Response to Proposed Amendments to New York City Press Credential Rules

On March 20, 2024, the Alliance joined a coalition of groups in submitting comments in response to the New York City Mayor’s Office of Media ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Joins Brief Arguing Against Unconstitutional Prior Restraint

News/Media Alliance Joins Brief Arguing Against Unconstitutional Prior Restraint

On March 6, 2024, the Alliance joined a brief in Human Rights Defense Center (HRDC) v. U.S. Park Police filed in the United States Court ... Read More
Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds Indonesian Government for Passing Journalism Compensation Law

Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds Indonesian Government for Passing Journalism Compensation Law

The News/Media Alliance commends Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and the Indonesian government for passing a law requiring Alphabet (owner of Google) and Meta (owner ... Read More
Alliance Joins Brief Arguing California Anti-SLAPP Fee-Shifting Provision Applies in Federal Court

Alliance Joins Brief Arguing California Anti-SLAPP Fee-Shifting Provision Applies in Federal Court

On February 8, 2024, the Alliance joined a brief in Martinez v. ZoomInfo Technologies, Inc. filed in the Ninth Circuit, in which the plaintiff sued ... Read More
Alliance Joins Coalition Brief Defending Group Libel Doctrine

Alliance Joins Coalition Brief Defending Group Libel Doctrine

On November 3, the Alliance joined a brief in Florio v. Gallaudet, in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, asking ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Joins Brief in Defense of Statutory Protections for Free Speech in D.C. Anti-SLAPP Act

News/Media Alliance Joins Brief in Defense of Statutory Protections for Free Speech in D.C. Anti-SLAPP Act

On October 26, the Alliance joined a brief in Banks v. Hoffman, filed in the District of Columbia Court of Appeals ... Read More
Free Speech Week

Free Speech Week

October 16-22, 2023 - Free Speech Week is nonpartisan, non-ideological event to raise awareness and celebrate the importance of free speech and a free press ... Read More

News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services - Read more