Archive for Federal Communications Commission

Supreme Court Reinstates FCC Media-Ownership Reforms, Overturns Lower Court Decision Blocking Repeal of Ownership Restrictions

Supreme Court Reinstates FCC Media-Ownership Reforms, Overturns Lower Court Decision Blocking Repeal of Ownership Restrictions

The Supreme Court today issued a unanimous decision in Prometheus Radio Project vs FCC, upholding 2017 reforms that streamlined and modernized the Federal Communications Commission’s ... Read More
Supreme Court Hears Arguments for Repealing Newspaper-Broadcast Ownership Ban

Supreme Court Hears Arguments for Repealing Newspaper-Broadcast Ownership Ban

The U.S. Supreme Court today (10:00 a.m. ET) will hear oral arguments in Federal Communications Commission v. Prometheus Radio Project, a case concerning whether a ... Read More
2nd Filing: Petition for Reconsideration, FCC Cross Ownership Ban

2nd Filing: Petition for Reconsideration, FCC Cross Ownership Ban

Today, the News Media Alliance again filed in support of the National Association of Broadcasters' Petition for Reconsideration of the FCC’s decision to keep in ... Read More
Comments: Petition for Reconsideration of FCC Ban on Cross Ownership

Comments: Petition for Reconsideration of FCC Ban on Cross Ownership

The News Media Alliance filed comments in support of the National Association of Broadcasters' Petition for Reconsideration of the FCC's August 2016 decision to keep ... Read More
Statement: Expected Appointment of Ajit Pai as Next FCC Chairman

Statement: Expected Appointment of Ajit Pai as Next FCC Chairman

On behalf of the News Media Alliance, I applaud the expected appointment of Ajit Pai as the next Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ... Read More
Statement: Expected Appointment of Ajit Pai as Next FCC Chairman

Statement: Expected Appointment of Ajit Pai as Next FCC Chairman

We applaud the expected appointment of Ajit Pai as the next Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Commissioner Pai has been an avid supporter ... Read More