2nd Filing: Petition for Reconsideration, FCC Cross Ownership Ban

Today, the News Media Alliance again filed in support of the National Association of Broadcasters’ Petition for Reconsideration of the FCC’s decision to keep in place a 41-year-old rule preventing cross ownership between newspapers and radio or television broadcast stations in the same market.  The ban is particularly harmful to newspapers’ ability to compete at scale within the digital advertising market, a revenue stream that sustains most local newsrooms’ operations.  Further, the ban prevents investment and collaboration between newspapers and broadcasters, two entities that have a unique interest in serving the local community.  The mission to conduct local newsgathering and reporting is essential to many communities around our country, so in the case of localism, the rule hurts investment as well as journalism in a space where no other entity will likely fill the gap. The FCC’s cross ownership ban no longer serves the public interest and it must be repealed.

Access the News Media Alliance’s filing here.