Archive for FCC

Alliance Joins Coalition Comments on FCC’s Drone Rulemaking

Alliance Joins Coalition Comments on FCC’s Drone Rulemaking

The Alliance is part of the News Media Coalition, which submitted comments on March 9, regarding the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) proposal to allow unmanned ... Read More
Supreme Court Reinstates FCC Media-Ownership Reforms, Overturns Lower Court Decision Blocking Repeal of Ownership Restrictions

Supreme Court Reinstates FCC Media-Ownership Reforms, Overturns Lower Court Decision Blocking Repeal of Ownership Restrictions

The Supreme Court today issued a unanimous decision in Prometheus Radio Project vs FCC, upholding 2017 reforms that streamlined and modernized the Federal Communications Commission’s ... Read More
Supreme Court Hears Arguments for Repealing Newspaper-Broadcast Ownership Ban

Supreme Court Hears Arguments for Repealing Newspaper-Broadcast Ownership Ban

The U.S. Supreme Court today (10:00 a.m. ET) will hear oral arguments in Federal Communications Commission v. Prometheus Radio Project, a case concerning whether a ... Read More
Statement: Supreme Court to Hear FCC Petition to Overturn Appeals Court Decision on Media Cross Ownership Rule

Statement: Supreme Court to Hear FCC Petition to Overturn Appeals Court Decision on Media Cross Ownership Rule

The Supreme Court today announced that it will hear petitions filed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and a group of industry stakeholders (including the ... Read More
Tell the DOL to Put American Workers First and Save the Print Requirement for Temporary Job Listings

Tell the DOL to Put American Workers First and Save the Print Requirement for Temporary Job Listings

On November 8, the DOL proposed to change the way temporary job openings are shared with potential workers. Currently, employers are required by law to ... Read More
Repeal of Cross-Ownership Ban Will Allow Investment in Newspapers

Repeal of Cross-Ownership Ban Will Allow Investment in Newspapers

Today the FCC repealed the 1975 ban on media cross ownership between a newspaper and broadcast or radio station in the same market ... Read More
Statement: FCC Chair Circulates Order Repealing Media Cross-Ownership Ban

Statement: FCC Chair Circulates Order Repealing Media Cross-Ownership Ban

Chairman Pai circulated an Order repealing the 1975 ban on cross-ownership between a broadcast television or radio station and a newspaper in the same market ... Read More
FCC Reauthorization Bill Doesn't Address Cross-Ownership

FCC Reauthorization Bill Doesn’t Address Cross-Ownership

While we applaud Chairman Blackburn in proposing such language, we are disappointed the bill was passed without addressing the cross-ownership rule ... Read More
News Media Alliance Applauds FCC Nominee Brendan Carr

News Media Alliance Applauds FCC Nominee Brendan Carr

The News Media Alliance applauds the nomination of Brendan Carr as Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ... Read More
News Media Alliance Applauds FCC Nominee

News Media Alliance Applauds FCC Nominee

The News Media Alliance applauds the nomination of Jessica Rosenworcel as Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ... Read More