Archive for competition

News/Media Alliance Submits Comments to Department of Justice Calling on Strong Enforcement of Antitrust Laws in the AI Marketplace

News/Media Alliance Submits Comments to Department of Justice Calling on Strong Enforcement of Antitrust Laws in the AI Marketplace

On July 15, the News/Media Alliance submitted comments to the Department of Justice following the Department’s workshop on promoting competition in artificial intelligence (AI) ... Read More
Canadian News Publishers Reach Deal with Google for Payment for News

Canadian News Publishers Reach Deal with Google for Payment for News

The News/Media Alliance applauds the Canadian government for today’s deal with Google for its payment for the use of valuable news content on its Search ... Read More
Global Principles on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Global Principles on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

This document sets out principles that the undersigned publisher organisations believe should govern the development, deployment, and regulation of Artificial Intelligence systems and applications ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Rebuts Arguments That Canada’s Online News Act Violates Treaty Obligations

News/Media Alliance Rebuts Arguments That Canada’s Online News Act Violates Treaty Obligations

Following Canada’s adoption of Bill C-18, the Online News Act in June, the News/Media Alliance submitted a briefing to the Office of the United States ... Read More
Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds Passage of the Canadian Journalism Compensation Bill into Law

Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds Passage of the Canadian Journalism Compensation Bill into Law

The News/Media Alliance commends the Canadian government for passing the Online News Act (C-18). The Online News Act would help Canada’s free press prevail by ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Applauds Senate Judiciary for Passing Bipartisan Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA)

News/Media Alliance Applauds Senate Judiciary for Passing Bipartisan Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA)

The Senate Judiciary Committee has favorably voted 14-7 for the bipartisan Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) (S. 1094), which would allow digital journalism providers to ... Read More
Statement: Meta Threatens to Remove News from Meta Platforms if CJPA is Passed

Statement: Meta Threatens to Remove News from Meta Platforms if CJPA is Passed

The California Broadcasters Association, California News Publishers Association and News/Media Alliance released a statement in response to Meta's statement today that it would consider removing ... Read More
News/Media Alliance AI Principles

News/Media Alliance AI Principles

This document highlights the overarching principles that must guide the development and use of GAI systems as well as the policies and regulations governing them ... Read More
Statement: News Publishers Call on President Biden to Defend Local Journalism in Canada Visit

Statement: News Publishers Call on President Biden to Defend Local Journalism in Canada Visit

Ahead of President Biden’s meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the News/Media Alliance is calling on the President to defend local journalism from Big ... Read More
Statement: News/Media Alliance Signs Creative Industry Principles on Artificial Intelligence

Statement: News/Media Alliance Signs Creative Industry Principles on Artificial Intelligence

Today, the News/Media Alliance signed on to principles developed by a coalition of creative industry organizations, the Human Artistry CampAIgn, outlining high-level principles that should ... Read More

News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services - Read more