Archive for amicus brief

News/Media Alliance Joins Brief in Support of Transparency of Police Records Under New York’s Freedom of Information Law

News/Media Alliance Joins Brief in Support of Transparency of Police Records Under New York’s Freedom of Information Law

The brief, led by RCFP, urges the Court of Appeals to affirm the decision to require the disclosure of unsubstantiated and pre-June 2020 complaints ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Joins Brief in Support of Journalist Catherine Herridge in Subpoena Fight Over Confidential Sources

News/Media Alliance Joins Brief in Support of Journalist Catherine Herridge in Subpoena Fight Over Confidential Sources

On June 27, the News/Media Alliance joined an amicus brief in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in support ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Joins Brief Defending Group Libel Doctrine and Texas’ Third-Party Allegations Rule

News/Media Alliance Joins Brief Defending Group Libel Doctrine and Texas’ Third-Party Allegations Rule

On June 7th, the News/Media Alliance joined an amicus brief in the Texas Supreme Court in support of media organization TV Azteca in a defamation ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Joins an Amicus Brief in Hachette v. Internet Archive

News/Media Alliance Joins an Amicus Brief in Hachette v. Internet Archive

On March 22, the News/Media Alliance joined an amicus brief in support of Hachette in Hachette Book Group, Inc. v. Internet Archive, concerning Internet Archive’s ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Joins Brief Defending First Amendment Editorial Rights of Documentarians

News/Media Alliance Joins Brief Defending First Amendment Editorial Rights of Documentarians

On March 14, 2024, the Alliance joined several groups as additional amici curiae to an amicus brief in Netflix v. Barina, filed in the Texas ... Read More
Alliance Joins Coalition Brief Defending Group Libel Doctrine

Alliance Joins Coalition Brief Defending Group Libel Doctrine

On November 3, the Alliance joined a brief in Florio v. Gallaudet, in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, asking ... Read More
New York Court of Appeals Finds Dr. Luke is Limited Purpose Public Figure in Defamation Case Against Kesha

New York Court of Appeals Finds Dr. Luke is Limited Purpose Public Figure in Defamation Case Against Kesha

 On June 13, the New York Court of Appeals issued a ruling in Gottwald v. Sebert that Gottwald (aka, Dr. Luke) is a limited ... Read More
Alliance Joins Brief Advocating for Proper Fee-Shifting in Public Records Laws

Alliance Joins Brief Advocating for Proper Fee-Shifting in Public Records Laws

On September 16, the News/Media Alliance joined the Reporters Committee’s amicus brief arguing for the court to preserve fees shifting provisions for prevailing parties in ... Read More
Alliance Supports Government Transparency Under FOIA

Alliance Supports Government Transparency Under FOIA

On August 26, the Alliance signed on to the Reporters Committee amicus brief advocating for increased government transparency and disclosure requirements under FOIA ... Read More
Alliance Supports Strong Anti-SLAPP Protections in Indiana

Alliance Supports Strong Anti-SLAPP Protections in Indiana

On July 29, the Alliance signed on to the Reporters Committee’s amicus brief arguing for strong anti-SLAPP protections ... Read More

News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services - Read more