A new year means new news, and new practices for delivering it. The News Media Alliance will be kicking off the year with a series of “how to” articles aimed at helping publishers and reporters explore innovative ways of doing what they do best. From explaining branded content to breaking news on social media to telling stories across multiple platforms, the Alliance — with the help of experts in the field — will be delivering weekly articles on all the big media business trends and how everyone from major digital news brands to small local papers can utilize these tips and tools to deliver better news.
In January, we’ll be covering some of the storytelling techniques that garnered a lot of interest in at the Digital Media North America conference and the DTC Forum on Television & Print last fall. Among the first articles will be best practices for creating branded or sponsored content; breaking news and telling stories via social media; and what it takes to add virtual reality storytelling to your repertoire, no matter the size or scope of your publication.
We’ll continue the series in February with explainers on different specialized stories you might want to tell, continuing what we started with our MMA feature in December. We’ll rely on help from experts in various topics, as well as journalists, editors and business-side executives to give readers the best and most up-to-date information possible. We’ll also be looking for new topics to add to our series, so if there are subjects you want to learn more about or topics you’d like to dig further into, please let us know. You can email jennifer@newsmediaalliance.org with any suggestions. And if you consider yourself an expert on any of our planned topics, or a topic you think our members should know more about, please reach out.

Jennifer Peters is former content manager of the News Media Alliance.