Archive for Meta

Senate Judiciary Committee to Hold Hearing on Oversight of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Future of Journalism

Senate Judiciary Committee to Hold Hearing on Oversight of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Future of Journalism

Today the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law will hold a hearing on “Oversight of A.I.: The Future of Journalism,” which will ... Read More
California Senate Judiciary Committee to Hold Informational Hearing on Importance of Journalism

California Senate Judiciary Committee to Hold Informational Hearing on Importance of Journalism

Today the California Senate Judiciary Committee will hold an Informational Hearing on “The Importance of Journalism in the Digital Age” to learn more about the ... Read More
News/Media Alliance President & CEO Danielle Coffey Participates in AI Insight Forum Hosted by Senator Chuck Schumer

News/Media Alliance President & CEO Danielle Coffey Participates in AI Insight Forum Hosted by Senator Chuck Schumer

Today News/Media Alliance President & CEO Danielle Coffey is attending as an invited participant in a bipartisan forum hosted by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer ... Read More
Canadian News Publishers Reach Deal with Google for Payment for News

Canadian News Publishers Reach Deal with Google for Payment for News

The News/Media Alliance applauds the Canadian government for today’s deal with Google for its payment for the use of valuable news content on its Search ... Read More
Timeline: Meta Keeps News Publishers Spinning with Endless Mind Games

Timeline: Meta Keeps News Publishers Spinning with Endless Mind Games

Big tech company Meta has changed course in its relationship with news more times than we can count, pushing news publishers away one moment and ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Hosts ‘Support Journalism’ Fly-In to Advocate for Importance of Quality Journalism

News/Media Alliance Hosts ‘Support Journalism’ Fly-In to Advocate for Importance of Quality Journalism

Eighty-four participants representing news publishers in 25 states across the country will meet with Senators and Representatives on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. today as ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Rebuts Arguments That Canada’s Online News Act Violates Treaty Obligations

News/Media Alliance Rebuts Arguments That Canada’s Online News Act Violates Treaty Obligations

Following Canada’s adoption of Bill C-18, the Online News Act in June, the News/Media Alliance submitted a briefing to the Office of the United States ... Read More
Global Reaction to Google and Meta Threat to Take Down News in Canada

Global Reaction to Google and Meta Threat to Take Down News in Canada

On July 5, 2023, 18 publisher groups and media associations from around the world issued a joint statement in response to Google and Meta’s threat ... Read More
Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds Passage of the Canadian Journalism Compensation Bill into Law

Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds Passage of the Canadian Journalism Compensation Bill into Law

The News/Media Alliance commends the Canadian government for passing the Online News Act (C-18). The Online News Act would help Canada’s free press prevail by ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Applauds Senate Judiciary for Passing Bipartisan Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA)

News/Media Alliance Applauds Senate Judiciary for Passing Bipartisan Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA)

The Senate Judiciary Committee has favorably voted 14-7 for the bipartisan Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) (S. 1094), which would allow digital journalism providers to ... Read More

News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services - Read more