Archive for media

Conservatives Are Biggest Sharers of Fake News on Social Media, Study Says

Conservatives Are Biggest Sharers of Fake News on Social Media, Study Says

As we all know, social media is even more polarized — and polarizing — than the rest of American society. It’s where people go to ... Read More
Fighting Fake News One Book at a Time

Fighting Fake News One Book at a Time

Combating fake news isn’t a new issue — historically, we’ve been battling various versions of made-up information since the invention of the printing press, and ... Read More
Alliance Introduces #MediaBookClub

Alliance Introduces #MediaBookClub

We here at the Alliance are big-time readers, and one of the most common questions between our staff members is “What are you reading now?” ... Read More
Postal Rates Could Climb Significantly with New Rate-Setting Approach

Postal Rates Could Climb Significantly with New Rate-Setting Approach

Publishers could see an extreme rise in their mailing costs in the next five years because of recently proposed changes to the current price structure ... Read More
CEO Statement: Murdoch Proposes Carrier Fees

CEO Statement: Murdoch Proposes Carrier Fees

“Mr. Murdoch is a champion of journalism — and a staunch advocate for the news industry. We need a digital ecosystem that provides a viable ... Read More
CEO Statement: Facebook to Prioritize Trusted News Sources

CEO Statement: Facebook to Prioritize Trusted News Sources

The direction of Facebook’s announcement today is very positive and we commend them for it ... Read More
Statement: We Will Fight Newsprint Tariffs

Statement: We Will Fight Newsprint Tariffs

We are stunned that a single U.S. mill (NORPAC) has been able to manipulate the trade laws to their gain, while potentially wreaking financial havoc ... Read More
Everything You Need to Know About Newsprint Tariffs

Everything You Need to Know About Newsprint Tariffs

Discussion Points for a Conversation or Letter with Policymakers
  • I respectfully request your urgent assistance on a matter that will have a severe impact ... Read More
Statement: FCC Chair Circulates Order Repealing Media Cross-Ownership Ban

Statement: FCC Chair Circulates Order Repealing Media Cross-Ownership Ban

Chairman Pai circulated an Order repealing the 1975 ban on cross-ownership between a broadcast television or radio station and a newspaper in the same market ... Read More
Her Conference Recap

Her Conference Recap

Intern Ashley Alexander's recap of Her Conference and her weekend in New York City ... Read More

News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services - Read more