Archive for journalist

News/Media Alliance Joins Brief in Support of Transparency of Police Records Under New York’s Freedom of Information Law

News/Media Alliance Joins Brief in Support of Transparency of Police Records Under New York’s Freedom of Information Law

The brief, led by RCFP, urges the Court of Appeals to affirm the decision to require the disclosure of unsubstantiated and pre-June 2020 complaints ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Statement: Wrongful Conviction of Wall Street Journal Reporter in Russia

News/Media Alliance Statement: Wrongful Conviction of Wall Street Journal Reporter in Russia

The News/Media Alliance joins The Wall Street Journal and the broader journalism industry in condemning the wrongful conviction of journalist Evan Gershkovich to 16 years in a Russian prison ... Read More
Pennsylvania Adopts Stronger Anti-SLAPP Law

Pennsylvania Adopts Stronger Anti-SLAPP Law

On July 17th, Governor Shapiro of Pennsylvania signed into law H.B. 1466 which provides Pennsylvania with stronger protections against SLAPP lawsuits that are designed to ... Read More
News Take: Free Press Focus: How Do We Ensure Protections for the Press After Shocking Police Raid?

News Take: Free Press Focus: How Do We Ensure Protections for the Press After Shocking Police Raid?

In this episode of News Take: Free Press Focus, Eric Meyer, Publisher of the Marion County Record, shares the story of the day police raided ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Joins Letter Calling on Administration to Recognize Journalist Alsu Kurmasheva as Wrongfully Detained

News/Media Alliance Joins Letter Calling on Administration to Recognize Journalist Alsu Kurmasheva as Wrongfully Detained

On June 26, News/Media Alliance joined a letter addressed to President Joseph R. Biden asking for journalist Alsu Kurmasheva to be declared as wrongfully detained ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Joins Media Letter in Calling for Senate to Advance the PRESS Act

News/Media Alliance Joins Media Letter in Calling for Senate to Advance the PRESS Act

The News/Media Alliance joined a letter with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, along with over 50 other news media and press rights organizations, calling ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Statement: Illinois State Lawmakers Approve $25 Million in Tax Credits for Journalists

News/Media Alliance Statement: Illinois State Lawmakers Approve $25 Million in Tax Credits for Journalists

The Illinois state legislature on Wednesday approved $25 million in tax credits over the next five years (or $5 million a year) that will support ... Read More
Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds Senators Schumer, Heinrich, Rounds and Young for Recognizing Importance of Journalism in AI Forums, New Report

Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds Senators Schumer, Heinrich, Rounds and Young for Recognizing Importance of Journalism in AI Forums, New Report

The News/Media Alliance applauds Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senators Heinrich, Rounds and Young for soliciting a diverse set of views related to Artificial ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Submits Comments on Latest Postal Hikes

News/Media Alliance Submits Comments on Latest Postal Hikes

The News/Media Alliance submitted comments to the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) on May 9 regarding the continuing concern of rate increases on periodicals ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Joins Broad Coalition in Joint Statement Calling for Texas Authorities to Drop Charges Against Journalist

News/Media Alliance Joins Broad Coalition in Joint Statement Calling for Texas Authorities to Drop Charges Against Journalist

On May 1st, the News/Media Alliance joined 42 other organizations in a joint statement, led by the Society of Professional Journalists, in calling on the ... Read More

News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services - Read more