Archive for Facebook

Big Tech Says Publishers Keep Majority of Ad Revenue, But Experience Suggests Otherwise

Big Tech Says Publishers Keep Majority of Ad Revenue, But Experience Suggests Otherwise

While the straight revenue share between Google AdSense and publishers was clearly tilted in favor of the publishers, Google AdSense has become le­ss relevant for ... Read More
Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds House Report on Dominant Online Platforms and Market Power

Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds House Report on Dominant Online Platforms and Market Power

House Antitrust Chairman David Cicilline (D-RI) and the House Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law have released their long-awaited report on the anticompetitive behavior ... Read More
Statement: Facebook's Threat to Block News in Australia

Statement: Facebook’s Threat to Block News in Australia

Facebook's threat to block real journalism from its properties is simply an attempt to bully the Australian government and legislature.  It is also a clear ... Read More
Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds ACCC Draft Code Mandating Compensation for News Publisher Content from Big Tech Platforms

Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds ACCC Draft Code Mandating Compensation for News Publisher Content from Big Tech Platforms

The News Media Alliance commends the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) for the release of the Draft News Media Bargaining Code, aimed at rectifying the imbalance of power ... Read More
Statement: Anticompetitive Behavior by Some Big Tech Platforms Harms Quality Journalism

Statement: Anticompetitive Behavior by Some Big Tech Platforms Harms Quality Journalism

On Wednesday, July 29, in a House Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee hearing titled, “Online Platforms and Market Power, Part 6: Examining the Dominance of Amazon, Apple, ... Read More
Facebook Advertisers - Let's Talk

Facebook Advertisers – Let’s Talk

Our high-quality journalism offers brand safe environments for advertising. Yet news publishers are facing greater challenges than ever due to decreasing advertising revenue resulting from ... Read More
House Judiciary Hearing: Online Platforms and Market Power

House Judiciary Hearing: Online Platforms and Market Power

What: Hearing on “Online Platforms and Market Power, Part 6: Examining the Dominance of Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Apple” When: Wednesday, July 29 at 12:00 ... Read More
Ad: Dear Facebook Advertisers - Let's Talk

Ad: Dear Facebook Advertisers – Let’s Talk

As advertisers boycott Facebook due to concerns about their ads appearing next to questionable content, let them know that your news publication provides quality content ... Read More
Congress Can Protect the First Amendment by Holding Big Tech Accountable

Congress Can Protect the First Amendment by Holding Big Tech Accountable

The First Amendment enshrines fundamental freedoms so core to our democracy that they must be honored. But the First Amendment has limits, and non-government entities ... Read More
Alliance CEO Discusses the Importance of Local News During COVID-19, Sustaining News Publishing, on Bloomberg's 'Sound On'

Alliance CEO Discusses the Importance of Local News During COVID-19, Sustaining News Publishing, on Bloomberg’s ‘Sound On’

Alliance President & CEO David Chavern was a guest on Bloomberg's 'Sound On' podcast with Bloomberg Chief Washington Correspondent Kevin Cirilli today to talk about ... Read More