Archive for anticompetitive

Statement: DOJ Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google

Statement: DOJ Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google

In response to the lawsuit filed today by the Department of Justice (DOJ) accusing Google of antitrust violations related to its search and advertising services, ... Read More
Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds House Report on Dominant Online Platforms and Market Power

Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds House Report on Dominant Online Platforms and Market Power

House Antitrust Chairman David Cicilline (D-RI) and the House Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law have released their long-awaited report on the anticompetitive behavior ... Read More
Statement: Facebook's Threat to Block News in Australia

Statement: Facebook’s Threat to Block News in Australia

Facebook's threat to block real journalism from its properties is simply an attempt to bully the Australian government and legislature.  It is also a clear ... Read More
Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds ACCC Draft Code Mandating Compensation for News Publisher Content from Big Tech Platforms

Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds ACCC Draft Code Mandating Compensation for News Publisher Content from Big Tech Platforms

The News Media Alliance commends the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) for the release of the Draft News Media Bargaining Code, aimed at rectifying the imbalance of power ... Read More
Statement: Anticompetitive Behavior by Some Big Tech Platforms Harms Quality Journalism

Statement: Anticompetitive Behavior by Some Big Tech Platforms Harms Quality Journalism

On Wednesday, July 29, in a House Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee hearing titled, “Online Platforms and Market Power, Part 6: Examining the Dominance of Amazon, Apple, ... Read More
Alliance Releases New White Paper Outlining Google’s Dominant Market Behavior, Harming of Journalism

Alliance Releases New White Paper Outlining Google’s Dominant Market Behavior, Harming of Journalism

Today, the News Media Alliance released a White Paper, “How Google Abuses Its Position as a Market Dominant Platform to Strong-Arm News Publishers and Hurt ... Read More
It's Time to Rein in the Tech Platforms' Anticompetitive Behavior

It’s Time to Rein in the Tech Platforms’ Anticompetitive Behavior

We rely on a healthy news media to keep us informed and to ensure transparency from our leaders. But as news has moved online and ... Read More

News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services - Read more