The US House Subcommittee on Government Operations held a hearing May 17, Tracking the Postal Service: An Update on the Delivering for America Plan, after hearing concerns from the News/Media Alliance and other mailers that no oversight has occurred on the Postmaster General’s (PMG) Delivering for America Plan. PMG Louis DeJoy was the sole witness. Representative Jake LaTurner (R-Kansas) specifically asked questions on behalf of The Alliance regarding a recent study on the inefficiencies in the processing of flats mail as required by the Postal Service Reform Act and concern for increased rates. The Alliance will continue to work with legislators, USPS, the Postal Regulatory Commission, and others on addressing these critical issues and advocating for additional oversight.

Holly Lubart is Vice President, Government Affairs at the News/Media Alliance. Previously, she served as Vice President of Government Affairs for the PA NewsMedia Association and started her career as a journalist. Lubart has over 20 years of political and communications experience.