The News/Media Alliance joined an amicus brief on December 16, 2024 in the Supreme Judicial Court for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in support of LCMedia Productions in a public records disclosure case. In Department of Children & Families v. Mother, et al., and LCMedia Productions, Inc., renowned documentary filmmaker Bill Lichtenstein seeks access to juvenile court records from a high-profile child custody case that ended in the tragic death of the child, for a documentary about child protection, foster care, and juvenile court systems. Despite the obvious public interest in the proceeding, the lower court denied LCMedia’s motion to access the records on the basis of privacy concerns, that the documentary may have some entertainment value, and that access to the record could lead to the publication of incorrect information.
The brief, led by RCFP, argues that there is “good cause” for access to the records, per the proper application of the relevant statute, and that public interest outweighs privacy interests particularly in light of the extensive media coverage the case received. This case is important to protect access to juvenile records where there is good cause, allow reporting on child safety and welfare issues which contributes to reform, accountability and integrity of the justice and administrative system, and positive policy outcomes. Read more.