Facebook’s Political Advertising Policy

The News Media Alliance has taken an active role in conversations around Facebook’s plan, originally announced in April 2018, to label quality news as political advocacy. The Alliance, together with several other global media organizations, have called on Facebook to exempt publishers of news content from the policy, providing suggestions for alternative treatment of news publishers.

Index of Statements, Articles & Letters on Facebook’s Political Advertising Policy

Press Releases

Global Media Groups: Exempt News Content from Political Ad Policy (June 11, 2018)


CEO Statement: Facebook Plan to Label Quality News Political Advocacy (May 18, 2018)
Alliance CEO Statement: Facebook’s Subscription Model (February 14, 2018)


News Media Alliance President & CEO David Chavern, Facebook Needs to Learn Difference Between Journalism, ‘Political Advertising’ and Garbage (USA TODAY, June 22, 2018)


Association Letter to Facebook (June 11, 2018)
Letter to Congress: Facebook Political Ads (June 4, 2018)
Letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg  (May 18, 2018)