The Alliance advocates for its members’ ability to effectively protect their content and enforce their rights through copyright laws and licensing enforcement. Publishers are both creators and users of copyrighted works, who regularly interpret and rely on fair use principles to disseminate high quality journalism needed for an informed public. Copyright laws protect the ability of publishers to benefit from their significant investments in new, creative content, while also defending their ability to make lawful use of copyrighted works.
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Statement: News/Media Alliance Urges Copyright Office to Immediately Adopt Proposed Rule on Registration of Online News Content

News/Media Alliance Files Amicus Brief Supporting DMCA Copyright Framework for the Protection of Technical Measures

Alliance CEO Q&A: How The Generative AI Boom Proves We Need Journalism

News/Media Alliance Files Comments, Meets with the Copyright Office on Access to Electronic Works Rulemaking

Alliance CEO Op-Ed: Can AI companies and media publishers work together?