9 Quick Facts About Newspaper Media

9 Quick Facts cover9 Quick Facts About Newspaper Media is full of information about the interesting ways in which newspaper media are expanding their digital reach and growing their social media presence, mobile use, and advertising opportunities. Under the 9 Quick Facts are supporting data points from comScore and Nielsen Scarborough on on newspaper digital reach and categories of consumers who read newspaper media, respectively. In addition, data continue to show newspaper media as the most trusted media source for coupons and advertising.

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1. BIA/Kelsey, “Forecast: ‘Native Social’ Mobile Ad Format Growing”, July 16, 2015.
2. comScore, June 2016.
3. News Media Aliance (formerly NAA), “How America Shops and Spends,” 2014.
4. Nielsen Scarborough, USA+, Release 2, 2015.
5. Pew Research Center, “The Evolving Role of News on Twitter and Facebook,” 2015.
6. TVB Cultural Currency Study: Where Television Meets Social, 2012.