20 Tweetable Truths About the Newspaper Industry

Download and Share “20 Tweetable Truths” about the Newspaper Industry!

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NAA has compiled a list of “20 Tweetable Truths” for you to share on your newspaper’s Twitter account, including facts and figures about the state of print and digital newspapers and examples of the many positive developments taking place in the industry.

The tweets, all 140 characters or less, are grouped into four categories: Audience, Social Media, Advertising, and Miscellaneous. Many of the tweets link back to the NAA website and resources, and use the hashtag #KnowYourNews. Through using this discovery-themed hashtag, we hope to contribute positively to discussions about newspapers on social media, for those interested in learning more about news media topics.

There is a convenient “Tweet This” feature that allows you to quickly and easily share these facts: Clicking the button to the right of the corresponding post will automatically populate the post in your Twitter window, complete with links; all you have to do is click Send!

Click here to download the PDF* of the “20 Tweetable Truths” document and start sharing!

*Having trouble downloading the PDF? Right-click and select “Save As”, then choose “All Files” and make sure the file name has “.pdf” as the extension (if it says “.ashx”, delete it and replace with “.pdf”).

How to use the “20 Tweetable Truths”:

These tweets can be used any time you are looking for facts to share about the broader newspaper industry, but they will have the greatest impact when they are posted my multiple groups and individuals, within a specified time period.

— They can be used as a mini-campaign, posted in the same day or week, or used on the same day of the week for a longer period.

— They can be included alongside your newspaper’s other social media posts.

— You can plan your posts in advance using the scheduling function in your social media aggregator tool.

Be sure to follow @NAAUpdates on Twitter for the latest “Tweetable Truths” about newspaper media and share with your followers!

For tips on social media best practices, check out ‘Top 25 Social Media Marketing Tips‘ for advice on developing and implementing an effective social media strategy.

Please contact NAA Communications Manager Lindsey Loving if you have any questions about this resource.