The Value of News
For centuries, citizens have turned to their local news for the latest breaking and investigative news, and to learn about hot-button issues that affect their communities. Through news media, citizens can express themselves and advocate for their causes, whether they be political, religious or just personally meaningful to us; share our thoughts and ideas; petition the government; and plan assemblies. Local journalism can be our own personal amplifier for sharing our unique perspectives, as well as a wider lens through which to view and engage with our communities.
But beyond offering a means for citizens to exercise their First Amendment freedoms, news media also help protect those rights: through their role as government watchdogs. They are often the first to report when government officials try to overstep their bounds and hinder Americans’ right to information, made available through freedom of the press. Journalists work to keep the legislative process transparent and hold government officials accountable. Perhaps because of our prominent mention in the Constitution, news media are uniquely committed to their pursuit of the truth.
But the future of journalism and free speech is in jeopardy. Currently, news publishers are finding themselves without a way to recoup their investment in quality news. Big Tech platforms do not fairly compensate news publishers for their use of news content, making it increasingly difficult for publishers to reinvest in journalism.
News media have made our democracy stronger, our citizenry more informed and engaged, and our Constitutional rights secure and strong. But without proper legal protection for its content, the industry is in danger.
Read below to learn more:
Based on more than a year of interviews and consultations with many Alliance members about their experiences with Google products, this White Paper outlines several of the ways in which Google uses news content to its advantage across its products and services.