Archive for public records

News/Media Alliance Joins Brief in Support of Indiana's Access to Public Records Act Fee-Shifting Provision

News/Media Alliance Joins Brief in Support of Indiana’s Access to Public Records Act Fee-Shifting Provision

On July 1st, the News/Media Alliance joined an amicus brief in the Indiana Supreme Court in support of Christopher Nardi who brought a lawsuit against ... Read More
The State of FOIA 2024

The State of FOIA 2024

Every year, we celebrate Sunshine Week to honor the work of the journalists and private citizens who are utilizing the Freedom of Information Act to ... Read More
Journalists’ Rights Still Hang in the Balance as We Observe Another Sunshine in Government Week

Journalists’ Rights Still Hang in the Balance as We Observe Another Sunshine in Government Week

This Sunshine in Government Week, journalists’ rights still hang in the balance. The News/Media Alliance continues to support journalist efforts to increase government transparency and ... Read More
Alliance Joins Brief Arguing for Disclosure of Public Records in Virginia Zoning Case

Alliance Joins Brief Arguing for Disclosure of Public Records in Virginia Zoning Case

On September 7, the Alliance joined a brief in Citizens for Fauquier County v. Town of Warrenton, filed in the Virginia Court of Appeals ... Read More
Alliance Joins Brief Challenging Virginia Governor’s Office Reliance on “Working Papers” Exemption to Withhold Records

Alliance Joins Brief Challenging Virginia Governor’s Office Reliance on “Working Papers” Exemption to Withhold Records

On August 7th, the Alliance joined a brief in Sawyer v. Virginia, filed in the Virginia Court of Appeals. The case concerns a series of ... Read More
The State of FOIA 2023

The State of FOIA 2023

Every year, we celebrate Sunshine Week to honor the work of the journalists and private citizens who are utilizing the Freedom of Information Act to ... Read More
Alliance Joins Brief Advocating for Proper Fee-Shifting in Public Records Laws

Alliance Joins Brief Advocating for Proper Fee-Shifting in Public Records Laws

On September 16, the News/Media Alliance joined the Reporters Committee’s amicus brief arguing for the court to preserve fees shifting provisions for prevailing parties in ... Read More
Alliance Joins Brief Advocating for Access and Accountability

Alliance Joins Brief Advocating for Access and Accountability

On September 19, the News/Media Alliance joined the Reporters Committee amicus brief advocating for open records and public access ... Read More
The State of FOIA 2022

The State of FOIA 2022

Every year, we celebrate Sunshine Week to honor the work of the journalists and private citizens who are utilizing the Freedom of Information Act to ... Read More
Alliance Signs on to Letter Opposing Utah bill Denying Access to Public Records

Alliance Signs on to Letter Opposing Utah bill Denying Access to Public Records

On February 25, the Alliance joined a letter by the Radio Television Digital News Association opposing Utah HB 399 ... Read More

News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services - Read more