Archive for Copyright Act

News/Media Alliance Files Amicus Brief Supporting DMCA Copyright Framework for the Protection of Technical Measures

News/Media Alliance Files Amicus Brief Supporting DMCA Copyright Framework for the Protection of Technical Measures

On February 9, the News/Media Alliance joined a brief, filed in the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, explaining how section 1201 ... Read More
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News/Media Alliance Files Testimony in Opposition to New Hampshire’s Library Licensing Bill

On January 9, 2024, the News/Media Alliance submitted written testimony to a committee of the New Hampshire House of Representative in opposition to a bill ... Read More
Maryland Court Grants AAP’s Request for Preliminary Injunction in E-Book Licensing Case

Maryland Court Grants AAP’s Request for Preliminary Injunction in E-Book Licensing Case

On February 16, a federal judge granted the Association of American Publishers’ request for a preliminary injunction in the case concerning Maryland’s recently enacted electronic ... Read More
Copyright Office Publishers an Ancillary Copyright Study NOI

Copyright Office Publishers an Ancillary Copyright Study NOI

On October 12, the United States Copyright Office published a Notice of Inquiry regarding its long-awaited study on ancillary copyright protections for publishers ... Read More