Support Real News – Press Access Ad


No Questions = No Answers

No questions from journalists = less accountability in our democracy.

Denying press access is a violation of your First Amendment right to a free press.

Without press access, we all lose.

Support Real News. Support a Free Press.

As part of our Support Real News campaign, the News Media Alliance is proud to provide two print ads, as well as digital banners and cube JPEGs, for use in your print and online newspapers.

Print Ads:

You can customize the print ads, available in full- and quarter-page sizes, with your name and logo.

You can download the ads in EPS (via Dropbox) or PDF formats below.


Ad 1:

Full-Page PDF (10″ x 21″): Click here
Full-Page EPS (10″ x 21″): Click here 

Quarter-Page PDF (5.7″ x 10″): Click here
Quarter-Page EPS (5.7″ x 10″): Click here 







Ad 2:

Full-Page PDF (10″ x 21″): Click here
Full-Page EPS (10″ x 21″): Click here 

Quarter-Page PDF (5.7″ x 10″): Click here
Quarter-Page EPS (5.7″ x 10″): Click here






Digital ads:

Link to:
Digital Cubes (300 x 250px) – JPEG:
Digital banners (728 x 90px) – JPEG:


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