Support a Safe Harbor for News Publishers to Negotiate a Fairer Deal with Online Platforms

On July 29, the Alliance asked our members to publish an op-ed and to reach out to their Members of Congress during the recess to express support for a limited, one-time safe harbor for news publishers to collectively negotiate with the dominant online platforms for a better deal. Earlier this year, lawmakers in both the House and the Senate introduced the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act that would help protect the future of high-quality journalism. The House bill, H.R. 2054, was introduced by Reps. David Cicilline (D-RI) and Doug Collins (R-GA), while the Senate version, S. 1700, was sponsored by Sens. John Neely Kennedy (R-LA) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN). The Alliance is grateful to the original authors and hopes to build on the momentum to secure more co-sponsors for the bill. The op-ed by Alliance President & CEO, David Chavern, is available here.