The News Media Alliance applauds the Copyright Office for signing the final rule allowing group newspaper registration via PDF. Making the transition to a more modern and technology-friendly format (microfilm is currently the accepted format) will save newspapers valuable resources and create efficiencies across industry and government. This transition will result in increased submissions and less resources dedicated to compliance. Bringing the archiving process into step with modern technology helps ensure that newspapers can focus on their critical role of reporting news and information necessary for an informed democracy and a civil society. In addition, the transition from microfilm to PDF will facilitate registration, making it easier for newspapers to protect their work and receive increased return on investments.
A final rule will be effective March 1, 2018. There will be a transition period until December 31, 2019, during which time PDF submission is required but microfilm submissions will be also accepted to accompany PDF for those concerned about compliance. The Alliance will work with the Copyright Office and the Library to produce materials that will help newspapers comply with the new requirements.

David Chavern is former President & CEO of the News/Media Alliance. Chavern has 30 years of experience in executive strategic and operational roles. Prior to the Alliance, he completed a decade-long tenure at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.