Strategy & Operations


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Future of News: On the Road to Recovery?

Future of News: On the Road to Recovery?

Learn how media companies have sped up digitization, and what this means for their ability to gather, disseminate and make money from news ... Read More
Tips for Successful News Publishing Partnerships

Tips for Successful News Publishing Partnerships

With many local newsrooms trying to do more with less these days, looking outside your newsroom to partner with other local news publications can have the effect of having a larger, more diverse staff that can cover more topics, more areas of your region, and be more representative of your ... Read More
Member Exclusive: Update on Ongoing Alliance Activities Around COVID-19 Pandemic

Member Exclusive: Update on Ongoing Alliance Activities Around COVID-19 Pandemic

On Tuesday, June 2, the News Media Alliance Operational Working Group was joined by Alliance SVP & General Counsel Danielle Coffey and Alliance SVP, Public Policy, Paul Boyle for updates on Alliance activities around the ongoing public health pandemic as it relates to the news media industry ... Read More
Member Exclusive: Alliance Discussion of Re-Opening After Pandemic & Updates from Members

Member Exclusive: Alliance Discussion of Re-Opening After Pandemic & Updates from Members

On Tuesday, May 5, the News Media Alliance Operational Working Group was joined by Dennis Hoeg, of Nexteer Automotive, to discuss the manufacturing industry perspective on the pandemic and what publishers might expect from that sector going forward. We also heard from Alliance members, including Conan Gallaty of the Tampa ... Read More
Member Exclusive: Alliance Discussion of Print Operations, Including Cutting Print Days

Member Exclusive: Alliance Discussion of Print Operations, Including Cutting Print Days

On Tuesday, April 14, the News Media Alliance Operational Working Group was joined by Ken Harding of FTI Consulting, who shared what his team has learned about reducing print days and what lessons they are able to share for organizations considering making these transitions.  ... Read More
Member Exclusive: Alliance Discussion of Stimulus Package and Benefits to News Publishers

Member Exclusive: Alliance Discussion of Stimulus Package and Benefits to News Publishers

On Tuesday, March 31, the News Media Alliance convened an Operational Working Group to discuss the the Stimulus Package, CARES Act, small business loans and more. This call featured analysis and explanation of the various resources available by Alliance SVP and General Counsel Danielle Coffey ... Read More

News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services - Read more