Journal-isms Roundtable: Maximizing Diversity in the News Media During Our Racial Reckoning

Photo credit: Sharon Farmer/sfphotoworks

On Sunday, September 13, David Chavern, News Media Alliance president and CEO, joined the Journal-isms™ Roundtable on Zoom and Facebook Live as a guest speaker. Forty-five journalists and leaders in the news industry were on Zoom for the discussion on furthering diversity and inclusion in the news industry, with 263 more on Facebook Live. Joining Chavern was Maribel Perez Wadsworth, publisher of USA Today and president of News for Gannett Co., and Wesley Lowery, correspondent for 60 Minutes’ “60 in 6” on Quibi. He is a former Washington Post reporter best known for reporting on police use of force against citizens. Journal-isms™ founder and journalist Richard Prince and veteran journalists Paul Delaney, Betty Anne Williams and the late Walt Swanston-NuevaEspana have hosted the Roundtables for more than 20 years. Links to recordings of past roundtables are available on the Journal-isms website and Facebook page.

Watch the full Roundtable recording below, or click here.