Digital Dialogue


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Statement: Australia Passes News Media Bargaining Code, Platforms Must Pay for News

Statement: Australia Passes News Media Bargaining Code, Platforms Must Pay for News

Today, the Australian Parliament voted to pass the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission news media bargaining code, which requires the dominant tech platforms to, among other things, negotiate with and compensate news publishers in Australia for use of their content online ... Read More
Statement: Facebook to Restrict Sharing of News in Australia

Statement: Facebook to Restrict Sharing of News in Australia

Facebook has announced it will limit sharing and viewing of news by publishers and users in Australia on its platform, in response to the proposed news media bargaining code in the country ... Read More
Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds Australian News Media Bargaining Code Report Requiring Big Tech to Pay for News

Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds Australian News Media Bargaining Code Report Requiring Big Tech to Pay for News

The News Media Alliance commends the release today of the Australian Parliament’s Economics Legislation Committee Report on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) News Media Bargaining Code ... Read More
Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds Microsoft for Support of Australia Bargaining Code

Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds Microsoft for Support of Australia Bargaining Code

Microsoft President Brad Smith today outlined Microsoft’s support for the proposed bargaining code in Australia that would, among other things, require dominant tech platforms to negotiate with and compensate news publishers for use of their content ... Read More
Keyword Blocking Around Pandemic Hurts Publishers and Public

Keyword Blocking Around Pandemic Hurts Publishers and Public

News organizations across the country are offering potentially life-saving information to readers. But as news organizations struggle to stay afloat, many digital advertisers have used keyword blocking to prevent ads from running next to coronavirus-related content ... Read More
Op-Ed: Google and Facebook Must Pay for Local Journalism

Op-Ed: Google and Facebook Must Pay for Local Journalism

Much of the news business is being hammered by the decline in advertising because of Covid-19, just when the public most needs reliable information. But in the midst of this crisis, something very good just happened for journalism: French antitrust authorities ordered Google to negotiate with publishers to pay for ... Read More

News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services - Read more