Archive for Digital Updates – 2020

Most Americans Don’t Trust Big Tech, Recent Study Says

Most Americans Don’t Trust Big Tech, Recent Study Says

On June 16, Gallup and the Knight Foundation released a poll showing that eight out of every 10 Americans don’t trust big tech to moderate ... Read More
Ad Companies Keyword Block Terms Related to the Black Lives Matter Movement

Ad Companies Keyword Block Terms Related to the Black Lives Matter Movement

AdAge reports that certain marketers are blocking keywords that would put advertising content next to Black Lives Matter coverage. These keywords include “BLM,” “George Floyd” ... Read More
Four GOP Leaders Ask FCC to Clarify Section 230

Four GOP Leaders Ask FCC to Clarify Section 230

On June 9, Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Kelly Loeffler (R-GA), Kevin Cramer (R-ND), and Josh Hawley (R-MO) requested that the FCC “clearly define the framework under which ... Read More
Senate Committee Holds Hearing About Section 512’s Modern-Day Impact

Senate Committee Holds Hearing About Section 512’s Modern-Day Impact

On June 2, Public Knowledge’s Policy Counsel Meredith Rose testified that Section 512 has allowed online censorship to thrive. The Senate Committee on the Judiciary’s ... Read More
Twitter’s Objectivity Questioned Over Net Neutrality

Twitter’s Objectivity Questioned Over Net Neutrality

Twitter recently rejected an ad campaign by the Free State Foundation opposing net neutrality and calling for the internet not to be regulated as a ... Read More
Facebook Won’t Pay Australian News Publishers

Facebook Won’t Pay Australian News Publishers

On June 5, Facebook responded to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) Mandatory News Media Bargaining Code proposal, saying the “competitive rivalry in the relationship between digital platforms ... Read More
Tech Group Challenges Section 230 Executive Order

Tech Group Challenges Section 230 Executive Order

On June 2, the Center for Democracy and Technology filed a complaint in the District Court for the District of Columbia claiming that President Trump’s ... Read More
U.S. Copyright Office Calls for Reform of Section 512

U.S. Copyright Office Calls for Reform of Section 512

On May 21, the U.S. Copyright Office released a report outlining issues with the current regulation scheme as applied to the digital context. While the ... Read More
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission Releases News Media Bargaining Code

Australian Competition & Consumer Commission Releases News Media Bargaining Code

On May 19, the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) published a concepts paper seeking comment on four possible solutions to the bargaining imbalance between big tech ... Read More
Supreme Court Denies Cert in Latest Section 230 Case

Supreme Court Denies Cert in Latest Section 230 Case

On May 18, the Supreme Court denied to review Force v. Facebook, a recent case implicating Section 230, from the Second Circuit. In Force v. Facebook, the Second Circuit ... Read More