The News/Media Alliance submitted additional comments on the Postal Service’s Flats Plan on January 12 following the Postal Regulatory Commission’s (PRC) Order 6803 approving our motion. The PRC identified multiple causes of inefficiencies in the collection, sorting, transportation, and delivery of flats and provided eight recommendations. The USPS plan lacks both details and analytical support needed to evaluate the plan and determine whether it addresses the inefficiencies. The Alliance encouraged the PRC to continue asking probing questions to flesh out implementation details of the plan’s initiatives and to continue evaluating whether the initiatives will have the beneficial impacts claimed by USPS. In addition, the Alliance stated that the Postal Service must be held accountable through additional enforcement.

Holly Lubart is Vice President, Government Affairs at the News/Media Alliance. Previously, she served as Vice President of Government Affairs for the PA NewsMedia Association and started her career as a journalist. Lubart has over 20 years of political and communications experience.