Alliance CEO: Congress Must Give Local News Publishers a Chance

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On December 28, 2020, National Review published a column by News Media Alliance President & CEO, David Chavern, discussing the lawsuit filed recently by ten attorneys general against Google for anticompetitive behavior in the digital advertising marketplace that harms news publishers, and the need for Congress to rein in the tech platforms through granting an antitrust safe harbor allowing news publishers to collectively negotiate with the platforms for fair compensation for their content. The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act, introduced in both the House and the Senate, would provide such a safe harbor for news publishers.

Below is an excerpt from the column – click the link below to view the full article on National Review’s site.

Local news publishers have long kept government officials accountable and citizens informed and connected. But over the past decade, an alarming number of them have closed, and many of those that remain — including new entrants — are struggling. The next Congress has it in its power to give them a fighting chance.

Read the full column on the National Review website.



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