Supreme Court Watch: Free Press Focus


For decades, the Supreme Court’s decisions have both extended and restricted free press protections through the interpretation of the First Amendment in cases that have come before it. The Court continues to hear such cases to this day. The News/Media Alliance monitors these cases and participates in amicus briefs where appropriate, in an effort to protect the rights of news and magazine media.

We’ve provided summaries of each of the major Supreme Court decisions from the 2022-2023 term that implicate the free press. To discover how these rulings could impact the work of journalists and their protections afforded under the First Amendment, click “Read More” below.

Research for the 2022-2023 Supreme Court term compiled by Kayla Singer.

Latest Rulings

United States v. Hansen

United States v. Hansen

The Supreme Court removes protections on speech “encouraging” illegal immigration. The ruling upholds a statute that allows for the criminal prosecution of speech considered as “encouraging” or “inducing” illegal immigration. Decided on June 23, 2023 ... Read More
Jack Daniel’s Properties, Inc. v. VIP Products LLC

Jack Daniel’s Properties, Inc. v. VIP Products LLC

The Supreme Court strengthens protections for trademark owners. Justices demonstrate that creative media does not receive preferential treatment in trademark use. Decided on June 8, 2023 ... Read More
Andy Warhol Foundation For The Visual Arts, INC. v. Goldsmith

Andy Warhol Foundation For The Visual Arts, INC. v. Goldsmith

The Supreme Court creates new implications for copyright infringement and fair use law. The ruling shifts how the media can engage in entertainment and content branding. Decided on May 18, 2023 ... Read More
Twitter, Inc. v. Taamneh

Twitter, Inc. v. Taamneh

The Supreme Court protects media platforms against accusations of“aiding and abetting” terrorist attacks. The Court ruled that platforms are not responsible for their failure to remove all content that could be perceived as aiding terrorism. Decided on May 18, 2023 ... Read More

News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services - Read more