Filing Requirements


Filing Instructions Now Available!

Click on the button below to view the Copyright Office’s step-by-step instructions for uploading your work to eCo.



View the Final Rule.

Filing Requirements

  •  Guidance for completing the online application is available in the help text that accompanies the application. The text will be updated to reflect the new requirements that go into effect on March 1, 2018.  You can access the help text from within the application itself or directly from the Copyright Office website.
  • The Office offers a slide presentation that provides information on how to upload digital files to the electronic registration system.
  • In the near future the Copyright Office will release a video tutorial that will provide additional guidance on how to complete the application for newspaper issues and how to upload a copy of each issue. You will find this tutorial on the Copyright Office’s Registration Portal for Literary Works.
  • The Copyright Office also plans to release a new circular that will provide general information about this group registration option. You will find it on the circulars page of their website.

The proposed rule was mostly adopted in the Final Rule.  Key highlights include:

  • Applicants must upload their newspapers in digital form through the electronic registration system:
  • The rule confirms that deposits submitted for the purpose of group registration will satisfy the mandatory deposit requirement under section 407 of the statute, and will not be subject to the best edition requirement.
  • The transition period will allow for the continued voluntary submission of microfilm in addition to the mandatory PDF deposit until December 31, 2019.  After that microfilm will no longer be allowed.
  • Read our comments on the NPRM (Dec. 6, 2017)

View the News Media Alliance blog post on the Copyright Office NPRM.
Click on the button below to view the News Media Alliance pilot program.


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