30 Under 30 with Christina Contreras

2016 Top 30 Under 30 winner

Christina Contreras is the Circulation Marketing Manager at the Arizona Republic. She is also a Top 30 Under 30 winner. She is known for her outstanding work in audience development. She believes that through the development of paid audiences journalism can continue to grow.

1. What drew you into news media?

The honest answer is a former boss of mine kind of reached out to me; I was formerly in floral industry. It was almost like a calling. I didn’t choose it, it chose me.

2. As a Top 30 Under 30 winner, do you consider your age an advantage or disadvantage in the industry? Why?

I would say traditionally it would be a disadvantage, but because of the direction news and media is heading it’s now an advantage. In the good old days, when media was entirely a printed product, my age would have been a disadvantage, but we all know we’re headed into a new era, an era in which my generation is the target consumer. Selling to millennials is a different approach. It’s using advertising in different mediums, a lot more online, much less in print. It’s a different message. In Arizona specifically, our marketing team is deploying the Explore AZ campaign, about the things we have to do in Arizona. I can’t take credit for that, but my pieces are along similar lines. We’re talking more about issues that pertain to millennials.

3. What work are you most proud of?

In general, I have launched a few firsts for The Republic, including the first abandoned cart program, for ecommerce. But, I have a great team; I have to say it’s my teammates. We work really well together. There are a lot of obstacles placed in front of us. We work together to overcome them. Without them, it’d be a difficult job.

4. Describe a “typical” day on the job.

It is a fast paced job, constantly moving. It’s fun, obviously. I’m in the circulation department, I create campaigns, I do a lot of coming up with art concepts, revising them, working with designers. I work with the sales director to come up with new ways to position the benefits of subscribing to The Republic.

5. What do you see as the future of news media?

To think of a culture without investigative reporting or unbiased reporting that isn’t paid by an advertiser, it’s a very scary thought. We’ll always be around, we’ll be strong.